Even today many villages and hilly areas of Himachal Pradesh are deprived of the road, people are facing many problems

Today, where the Central and State Governments are talking about development and progress, in Himachal Pradesh there are many areas even today, where there is no road yet, people have to reach the main road for several kilometers.

himachal pradesh kullu

If many areas are being transformed into smart cities, then not many roads

The Himachal government is engaged in making many areas of the state a high area and a smart city, so many villages of Himachal Pradesh are still deprived of the road, due to which people in these areas will get education, health, and many other government schemes. Can not get the benefit of

Many people are dying due to lack of health facilities in time

Even today, many areas in Himachal Pradesh are deprived of the road where they have not been able to make a smooth road yet, in these areas, people are very much able to bring everyday things and get health facilities Many people are losing their lives due to the lack of hospital and health facilities in time.

In many places, there is not even a simple road on one side

On the one hand, Himachal Pradesh is developing at a rapid pace, in many areas in the state, the work of for-line road is going on fast, in many places the for-line road is not being made even on the one side, due to which many villagers People are facing problems.

Today every district of Himachal Pradesh is well connected by road, but even today there are many such areas in Himachal Pradesh where there is no road yet.

People are facing lot of trouble due to lack of road

Due to the lack of road, people are facing many problems, today I am going to tell you a similar case of Devbhumi Kullu district of the state, according to the information received, the woman who is suffering from stomach pain The family members and villagers have taken up the road for 25 km to the road, during which they have suffered a lot.

No road yet in the inaccessible village of Moror in Banjar of Kullu

After this, transported by vehicle to a private clinic in Sainz, 13 km away, now the condition of the woman is being told right, it is being said that this case is of the remote village of Morod in Banjar. The government's claims of better facilities in health have also been exposed.

05 kilometers have to reach the road by walking through the forest

At the same time, this woman has been taken to the Niharni road after passing through the path of the forest, if there was a road here, she would not have faced much trouble, as well as it is being said that the woman will be able to reach the clinic about 05 It took hours.

Sudden pain in the stomach of Leela Devi wife Dola Singh (60) of Marod village

Lila Devi wife of Dolor Singh (60) of Maror village of Banjar, Kullu, suddenly suffered a pain in her stomach at night and due to worsening health, the family took home remedies, but the condition worsened but the way

Due to the absence of them, they had to wait overnight and wait for the morning as the route went through the forest, so the family kept waiting for the morning.

Raising Leela Devi on her back and leading her to the main road

Simultaneously, in the morning, the family took the woman to the road with the help of the villagers, according to the information, it is being told that the woman's husband Dola Singh said that due to being suddenly ill, Lila Devi was picked up on the back to the main road. Had to deliver, due to which he and the villagers have to face a lot of trouble.

They would not have had much trouble if there was a road to the village

At the same time, he said that if there was a road to the village, he would not have got so much trouble, he also said that his village is still deprived of road facility, every time he has got assurances by the government to build a road, but the road is still Is not made

Inaccessible village people face trouble due to lack of road

With this, it is being said that Yamuna Devi, the head of the Gadaparli Panchayat, said that the people of the inaccessible village suffer from the lack of road, and they said that the demand of the villagers will be put before the government prominently, in this case So only belongs to a small village in the same district of Himachal Pradesh.

It is very important to connect every village in the state to every region by road

Apart from this, even in many districts of Himachal Pradesh, there is no road facility in rural areas, if the government has to give the benefit of government project to every person of the state, then every village in the state will have to connect every area by road, so that People could also get the right facilities in these villages.


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